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Aargau (pronounced /är-'gou/) was a planet in the Zug system of the Core Worlds region, not far from Coruscant and the Corellian Run. It was run by and served as the headquarters for the Bank of Aargau, which was part of the InterGalactic Banking Clan. Numerous other banks and corporations were also based on Aargau, including the Z-Gomot Ternbuell Guppat Corporation. Aargau was an exceptionally wealthy world, due both to its status as a financial center, as well as the planet's vast reserves of rare and precious metals.
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Abregado-rae was a major manufacturing and trade-oriented planet, the third of five worlds in the Abregado system in the Core Worlds. It sat at the beginning of the Rimma Trade Route, and was also the starting point for the Shapani Bypass or the "Bacta Run". The planet had a reputation as one of the Core Worlds' more rough-and-tumble worlds. It was home to the infamous Abregado-rae Spaceport.
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Alderaan, located in the Core Worlds, was the second planet in the Alderaan system, and the home of many famous heroes, including Leia Organa Solo, Bail Organa, and Ulic Qel-Droma. Renowned galaxy-wide for their planet's unspoiled beauty, refined culture, and commitment to peace, Alderaanians worked with and around the land to preserve as much of the natural surroundings as they could. Originally the home of the Killiks, Alderaan was later conquered by Humans. Despite a battle during the Great Galactic War and a civil war during the subsequent Cold War, Alderaan remained peaceful during much of galactic history. However, in 0 BBY, Grand Moff Tarkin and the Galactic Empire wanted to intimidate the galaxy into submission, and destroyed the unarmed and peaceful planet using the first Death Star's superlaser.
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Altawar was the homeworld of the Corragut species, located in the Altawar system of the Corellian sector.
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Anaxes was a fortress world located in the Axum system of the Core Worlds, and was known as the Defender of the Core by the Galactic Republic and later the Galactic Empire. It was located on the Perlemian Trade Route and shared its sun, Solis Axum, with Selgon, Grastes, Axum, Urfon, Phlors Rex, Phlors Regina, and Ichium.
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Axum was a temperate world located in the Axum system. It had two moons.
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Balfron was a small terrestrial planet in the Dolomar Sector. It had several casinos where planets could be won or lost in a game of sabacc, including The High Stakes Casino, where Han Solo arranged for Lando Calrissian to meet the Tonnika sisters as part of an elaborate prank.
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Brentaal IV

Brentaal IV, or simply Brentaal, was the fourth planet in the Brentaal system of the Bormea sector of the Core Worlds. It was orbited by the Sel Zonn Station.
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Caprioril was a planet located in the Core Worlds, near Chandrila.
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Chandrila was the second planet in the Chandrila system of the Bormea sector, located in the Core Worlds, along the Perlemian Trade Route. It was the homeworld of Rebel Alliance leader and later New Republic Chief of State Mon Mothma. ChandrilTech was headquartered on Chandrila.
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Corellia was the capital planet of the Corellian system, which included Selonia, Drall, Tralus, and Talus. It was also the birthplace of smuggler and New Republic General Han Solo as well as Rogue Squadron pilot and New Republic hero Wedge Antilles, along with many other humans who played important roles in the histories of the Rebel Alliance, New Republic, and Galactic Alliance. Collectively, the planets of the system were known as the Five Brothers. As the largest planet and the closest to Corell, Corellia was often called the "Eldest Brother" or the "Eldest." Historians believed the Celestials assembled the system artificially, the worlds brought from other parts of the galaxy for unknown reasons. Some believed that these Celestials populated Corellia with Humans from Coruscant.
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Corulag (pronounced /'kʊɹalæg/)[5] was a populated terrestrial world located on the Perlemian Trade Route in the Corulus system in the Bormea sector, part of the Ringali Shell. It was the endpoint of the Corulag-Jatir Hyperroute. The planet boasted urban sprawls with the underdeveloped areas filled with bamboo forests. It was near the Ringali Nebula and shared the sun Corulus with Solag, Biolag, and Garulag.
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Coruscant (pronounced /'kɔɹəsɑnt/), originally called Notron, also known as Imperial Center or the Queen of the Core, was a planet located in the Galactic Core. It was generally agreed that Coruscant was, during most of galactic history, the most politically important world in the galaxy. At various times, it was the capital of the Galactic Republic, the Galactic Empire, the New Republic, the Yuuzhan Vong Empire, the Galactic Alliance, very briefly the Fel Empire, Darth Krayt's Galactic Empire and the Galactic Federation Triumvirate. In controlling Coruscant, these governments controlled most of the galaxy in the process.
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Delaya was the third planet from the star Alderaan in the Alderaan system. It was the sister world of Alderaan before the latter's destruction by the first Death Star.
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Dolomar was the sector capital of Dolomar sector. The mostly Human population lived underground to avoid the bitter cold. The largest of these underground complexes, Diflu, was located in the northernmost mountains of the planet, the L'tiri Peaks. The local day lasted 45 standard hours. The local year lasted 224 local days.
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Drall was a pleasant, temperate planet in the Corellian system, being one of the Five Brothers. It was the homeworld of the Drall, and famous for its great food, and the famous Boiling Sea.
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Duro (also known as Duros) was the heavily polluted and depopulated homeworld of the Duros species. Located on the Corellian Trade Spine in the Core, the planet itself was mostly abandoned, mainly housing food processing plants. Most of the population lived in one of the twenty orbiting cities. Duro was also home to a large number of orbital shipyards.
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Esseles was a planet located along the Perlemian Trade Route in Darpa sector of the Ringali Shell. It was the third in position in the Essesia system and had one moon.
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Fresia was a Core World which served as headquarters for Incom Corporation since 2,000 BBY.
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Kamparas was a planet in the Dolomar sector of the Core Worlds covered with rainforests, grasslands, rolling hills, and deep valleys.
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Kuat was a planet located in the Core Worlds and one of the earliest members of the Galactic Republic. It was best known as the home of Kuat Drive Yards. These famous shipyards, used to build ships for both the Galactic Republic and later the Galactic Empire, circled the planet for thousands of kilometers.
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12Wed Oct 24 2012, 19:32
{Admin} ShadowHeart Kuat Leisure, Proposal
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Nubia was a small, temperate world located in the Nubus system on the outer edge of the Core Worlds. It was the headquarters of Nubian Star Drives, Inc., developers of parts for starships, including the hyperdrive for the Naboo cruisers. It also was headquarters for Industrial Automaton, TradeCo, Inc., and the massive PharmCorp. Although not heavily urbanized and with a relatively rural landscape and economic backbone (by the standards of the heavily developed Core Worlds), Nubia was always considered a deserving member of the title of 'Core World' and all its associated connotations. It was viewed as a planet whose population appreciated great beauty (as symbolized by their graceful starships) and a close relationship with the natural environment of their world, as well as enjoying the cosmopolitan lifestyle and pursuits of their counterparts on planets such as Coruscant or Kuat. Nubia may have been the homeworld of the ronto. Its capital was Nuba City.
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Pantolomin was the primary planet of the Panto system, in the Dolomar Sector of the Core Worlds. It was an aquatic world known as one of the greatest tourist places of the the galaxy.
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Ralltiir was a Core World planet along the Perlemian Trade Route on the border between the Core and the Colonies. It was an attractive, high-tech world famous for its banking industry. The planet was also known for its marble quarries, farming communities, and medical centers. The planet's powerful financial institutions were neutral and had a reputation as a safe haven for investors' funds. It was the headquarters of Ralltiir Securities, Ralltiir Consolidated Marble, and Xwizi Marble. Ralltiir was one of the Rebel Alliance's first supporters. It was also the home planet of Rogue Squadron pilot Derek Klivian.
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Rendili was a planet in the Core Worlds and one of the Core Founders of the Galactic Republic. The planet was ruled by an Arch-Provost. It was the headquarters of Rendili StarDrive, founded in 20,000 BBY, and was affiliated with the starshipwrights Rendili Hyperworks[3], Rendili/Vanjervalis Drive Yards[4]and Golan Arms joint venture. At some point during the Mandalorian Wars a Republic Military installation housing thousands of troops, vehicles, and starfighters was stationed outside of the major cities, though by the time of the Clone Wars the installation had been all but forgotten.
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Rhinnal was a Core World located in the Darpa sector, on the Perlemian Trade Route. It was a medical world and one of the founders of the Old Republic.
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Selonia was an oceanic planet in the Corellian system. It was one of the Five Brothers, and the homeworld of the Selonian race.
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Wor Tandell

Wor Tandell was the primary planet of the Tandell system in the Dolomar sector. Its surface was covered with an array of oceans and landmasses.
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